Saturday, January 24, 2009

How Far Away From Couch Coffee Table

the sensation of flying the Italian figures

Azz ... Republic me posted! One is not even free to say some shit that really ends up in the newspaper.

Good thing they fixed a little 'for the form, put in order the words ...
but I liked it better as I had written myself, and at least here are free to return it as I had written.

well with shouldering the debt, the satisfaction of "Italian travel" - feeling quite unknown to those who are often forced to fly Alitalia - except for emigrants sometimes spoken of Berlusconi ("save our airline, makes us feel at home! ") - a coast Italians exactly 133% surcharge on domestic flights, estimated at about € 100 a ticket to / r. Here are my calculations, you can check them quietly, I have identified at random two dates for a return flight, chosen over a month away (2:06 February). I chose similar routes on the main European countries
and I set the book a return ticket on the sites of delivery "flag". In all cases I have chosen dates flexible in order to have the cheapest rate to be used as a basis of comparison. Here are the results, taxes and other expenses including:
Madrid-Alicante (IBERIA) € 77.14; Berlin-
Monaco Munich (Lufthansa) € 101.7; Paris-Nice (AIR FRANCE) € 111.92;
London -Glasgow (British Airways) € 89.43 ... Rome-Venice (Alitalia) €
171.63! (If you book by Air One site, the same flight costs € 172.76 .. I do not know why). Not bad, right? But we also consider the differences in real wages between these countries. I used the data Eurispes (2006) for a comparison to "wages equalized"
Madrid-Alicante € 71.96, € 77.79 Berlin-Monaco, Paris-Nice € 92.13;
London Glasgow-€ 51.86. The average is € 73.43, how much should cost a Rome-Venice / r. You have the verification that 133% of inflation mentioned earlier.
Ok, not a scientific test too. Maybe I was just unlucky in the chosen flights. But yeah, let's try others ....
Roma-Torino € 170.53; Madrid-Bilbao € 66.14, € 182.41 Roma-Bari, Berlin-Stuttgart € 97.95 ...


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