Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do You Need A Prescription For A Catheter

Map - February 28, 2009 Lecture by Professor

Lesson of Professor Luciano Charter, on 28 2009 Febbraro around the events that characterized the period defined then as a three-year period Revolutionary Sardo. Transcript of Aresu
Claudia and Giulia Meloni.

As we know, history is not a regional story, "child" but it is certainly history in all respects and it is very important to situate it in European history. It 'hard to believe that there are people whose roots lie in the values \u200b\u200bof 700, and it was during this period that takes place the revolution of Sardinia, an important revolutionary period. In the 700 spreads a movement that permeates even the sovereign: the enlightened reformism, that is, become aware that society needs to reform, modernize, an example of enlightened ruler may be Amedeo Carlo III through the Minister Bogino reformed universities in Sardinia. But this reform process is done through the introduction of new forces of higher education in Sardinia: the teachers that are listed by continent and all have a mentality of enlightened character; I quote someone, for example Giambattista Vasco, was a Dominican friar who taught at Cagliari from 1764 to 1767 and used in lessons held at the university (he taught dogmatic theology) for his explanations, the articles of the famous Encyclopedia of Diderot and Dalembert (very important because it is the work which it spreads through the culture and mentality of the Enlightenment in Europe, an experimental mentality, a mentality that ruining the philosophy of Aristotle, Galileo is a mentality, a mentality by Espirit sistematique that is to say, the mentality of the experimental method). Not only that, but when he falls in Piedmont, a major public works (it was an important Enlightenment Piedmont) physiocrat character. Physiocracy is the current economic policy more important than the 700 because it believes that the foundation of the wealth of nations is the land, but land must be exploited by free trade in its products, especially free trade in grains: it says "well, even in the agricultural economy must be changed because you have to create the perfect property as was done in England, because when I have the perfect property and the common use of land as in feudalism, I can produce for the market and then capitalize. " Then in Sardinia is another Jesuit named Francis Gemelli (Gemini is Via Monte Under Urpinu), one of the intellectuals of the Enlightenment culture that lives in Sardinia this time: he teaches at the University of Sassari and is sent at the time Carlo Emanuele III Bogino from Sassari. He was a professor of rhetoric (today we would call a teacher of letters of upper secondary school) and at one point he was asked to write an opera about the condition of the costumes, the production structure, the products of Sardinia. The Bogino writes at the request of the late '60s, but the work ends when the Bogino has been sidelined by the new king Vittorio Amedeo Carlo Emanuele III because his father died in '73. Post this in '76 and the title of "the rebirth of Sardinia made the revival of its agriculture." But as you get a revival? If you happen to read the work (Which was reprinted about 40 years ago by a great historian, Luigi Bulferetti, who also taught at the University of Cagliari) you will find that this man knows the English agricultural systems management and says "Gentlemen, if we want the 'Sardinian economy pick up again, exactly flourish, it is necessary to move beyond the system of the common use of land that is typical of the feudal society. " But how could this be done? Through the use of the property perfect, that the land should become private property, each within its field of its tanche just going to produce and, as usually occurs to capitalize, for profit, for gain, then you produce for the market, not for subsistence. But what does it say? E 'capital in the notion that this (and he knows that English literature), what has been done in England after Henry VIII (remember the English Reformation, we are in the first half of the 500, that sovereign, which then schism , which creates the Church of England in the current queen is still head) all church property was privatized and then in England was created perfect property, creating the so-called Gentry, that is, the country gentry, who will then turn to the author of Revolution of Cromwell. So in summary he says it was created through the establishment of the agrarian bourgeoisie perfect property, that is, through that process in England is called the transition from open fields to the fields closed by the Fields Open Enclosures (tanks, in Sardinian). There is another Jesuit named Francesco Cetti, this is a naturalist, a professor of mathematics that deals with natural science, however: he writes a beautiful piece titled "The natural history of Sardinia," a census that is of all animals of all products of Sardinia. Attention, but because they have started this process of knowledge of the land of Sardinia? They started simply because according to the mentality Enlightenment literature and the study should then be used to create the happiness of nations (remember Adam Smith tells us in the work "The Wealth of Nations", a work of 700 in the development of modern capitalism) and so these searches are implemented because then they can be used ... ...
The purpose for which these works are written is that the knowledge should be used in the sense I would say almost Baccon (by Francis Bacon, English philosopher), because "knowledge is power" is to say everything I know I must serve to be a better master of nature, can make the most of nature. So this is the purpose for which they are perform this study, and there are several: that he had made to Professor Martinez with the other class, that is, even just to read the official report of the Des Hayes viceroy in 1770 which is so full in this period of enlightened reform, too ' it served to initiate reforms. In summary then we see the work of three important figures: Francesco Cetti, Francesco Gemelli and Giambattista Vasco (the most important Piedmontese Enlightenment, as well as the largest in Lombardy was the Enlightenment Beccaria, Verri brothers, as it was in the Kingdom of Galiani Naples, etc. etc.). Another important reform was the establishment of local councils, which was then called advice Community: we are in 1761. Why is the reform councils community! You see until then ruler of the interior, especially in countries were the feudal lords who appointed the officials, so they were always functional to the great feudal. Advice Comunitate are instead given to what is a class that is opposed to the great lords: the Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, the great feudal, who had ownership of the estate (as a set of villas were called so- countries-which are bestowed on a feudal lord) What does the lord in his domain? It is almost a sovereign administration of justice, collect taxes, make the chapters of grace, which are the laws of each territory. The king what does this say to defuse social class who are the lords? He contrasts them with the agrarian petty bourgeoisie: the nobles of the country that are neither principles nor dukes, nor the accounts or the Visconti, the DON are in our countries, we can compare the gentry to the English gentry who are the rich herders, the rich farmers, and then since then they went up the social ladder by buying a peerage, a knighthood, etc. So when one of Don had accumulated a fair capital asked the king to have a title they gave him a knighthood. To do this the king earned these titles because they were paid, but for the person was a status symbol, a move up the social ladder. This class obviously opposed to feudalism because it is one that carries out the speech especially of privatization of land, and therefore it is a very important reform that is beginning to escape the feudal power.
Then we have another major reform is that of the mountains and frumentarii Currency (here we are in the mid-70, 700), derived from the Latin word nummus Currency, currency. The mountains are a kind of cash frumentarii agricultural loans of 700, through which an institution who has a cattle farm or pastoral farming, but especially in this case, for example, the small farmer who was so beset by charges that did not even leave much to be able to sow in the autumn, when these institutions went for a very low premium (a very low interest rate of the return) could lend the much wheat he needed to sow, and that the harvest was restored by the addition of a 3.5% increase. Even today, what happens with loans for example, when a farmer has set up a new company goes into a bank's access to credit facilities are given the money that allows him to establish the company with the obligation to repay the sum within 30 years plus a premium of 5%. When there were no such systems were of interest iugulatorio, ie they were interest rates that sometimes came to double the value of the loan and thus of course the farmer could not move forward. While the mountain frumentario lent itself naturally, but in the Currency lent itself in money and in kind was the purpose of acquiring the tools of culture, such as work oxen.
So we mentioned three key reforms, just to remember that the island we have this moment of enlightened reformism.
Why attend university renewed, a high school? To acquire expertise enabling then to be spent in the workplace, in society.
When I focus on a reform process, referring to young people who are formed in the universities, once they have finished school want to spend the expertise it has acquired. But what happened then, though? One who was studying law was a person who possessed the knowledge to be able to enter in the administration of the state, for example, to the official, teacher, collector of public chapels, because they are jobs that require a professional, one needs to know do. All seats were occupied by the bureaucracy, however, then the House of Savoy ruled Piedmont Sardinia with a colonial system, that is to say, we have started the new university and formed a class of young but then they do not find an outlet. This lack of job opportunities for a new ruling class formed in the universities wanted by the king at some point they need to be introduced in the administration 's state of life. Not happened and it is from here that was born one of the famous 5 questions. You do not create expectations that then you do not respond and this will be one of the preconditions of revolution Sardinia '93-'96. In 1793-96 we
that period we call the Sardinian revolution (remember that 89 had already left the French Revolution had come to Sardinia and then also a huge breath of fresh air). In 1793, during the month of January, a large French fleet besieged Cagliari, sharing in the Bay of Angels (which consists of two arcs, one of which is the area of \u200b\u200bsea of \u200b\u200bCagliari, in turn, divided by the Devil's Saddle and then the other around the Poetto where there is the zone of Quartu, the Poetto is divided between Cagliari and Quartu, this fleet is in Sardinia with the intention of groped to invade, to set up in Eastern Sardinia. But why just Sardinia? What happened? Then 89 Apart from the French Revolution which saw the first phase constitutional monarchy where the king swears that a constitution must be respected. If that Louis XVI did not comply with this covenant with the National Assembly France and was imprisoned after attempting to flee from France (known as "the flight to Varennes) and is revoked and the regime that is established is a regime of republican (20 September 1792). France becomes the Republique Francaise. This republic has learned as well that the best defense is attack by an army of new type, a Republican (in revolutionary times it is very important to the Army), formed by sans-culottes, that is not more noble or mercenaries, but is people fighting for an idea.
So France, for defense against the threat of the crowned heads of Europe, began to conquer the territories: to remove the Savoy Savoy in the north-west of Piedmont. In September 1792, the Savoy and then removing it to win new ruler named Vittorio Amedeo III, further south then take away the county of Nice to the work of the armies of the sans-culottes (what today we would call Republican Army). It 's so that it forms the first so-called coalition that joined forces of the kings of Europe against France. The war has already started in '92, then not only Prussia but also with the Savoy Alps continental domains because they are both true in the Alps and the Alps to the south, those that go to Nice to the sea. But, as it did for the war then, in winter you could not fight because there is frost on the Alps, at which point the war if we can speak of war, becomes trench warfare. So what does the French government, called the director? Rate a law that says that all possible possessions of the King of Savoy and Sardinia that is, in this particular case of Vittorio Amedeo III must be conquered in winter, when you can not continue the war in the Alps and had already been "nibbled" the Savoy and Nice is a country that leads the French troops in another estate of Vittorio Amedeo III, which is Sardinia, which was quite a bit greedy, because from a strategic point of view of control Mediterranean, Sardinia is very important and then the bulk of trade takes place within the Mediterranean. So at the very moment that the director was French, January 21, 1793, Louis XVI guillotined in Paris in Sardinia here we have the Republican troops commanded by Rear Admiral named this Loraine (?) That is to conquer Sardinia.
Then the Sardinians, for a variety of circumstances, they can attempt to parry this French invasion (part Capitana, St. Andrew, the shoreline of Quartu, 4000 men landed and begin to come to Cagliari to win). The Sardinians as equip themselves to defend themselves? Then there was a Sardinian Parliament was divided into three branches or displacements (The word translates estament the French etat, "was the condition of the person) and comprised the nobles in the military who had a Stamenti its chairman called" Voice ", then there was another room, or manifestly or arm, the clergyman, but ensures that the fact that they did not all clergy: the lower clergy, that the parish priests, friars, etc. they did not, was part of France as only the higher clergy: bishops , archbishops and a representative of the cathedral chapter (each has a cathedral and bishop's seat in the cathedral there are the canons, usually 12, each appointed a representative of the cathedral chapter, there were then in Sardinia 11 dioceses and then the church was manifestly formed by all the bishops and archbishops who ruled the 11 dioceses of Sardinia and a representative from each cathedral chapter and more were part of the so-called Abbots Mitre (priests who had ecclesiastical dignity of ancient abbeys, in Sardinia these abbeys were then 3: Holy Trinity Saccargia, a former Benedictine abbey is located near Ploaghe, near Sassari, then a few miles away is St. Michael of recourse, which is in the territory of Ploaghe while Holy Trinity is in the territory of Codrongianus, then we have San Giovanni di Sinis, who is going to Tharros and whose abbot was at that time Mr Gregory Mon Cadell was then canon but later become, after the expulsion of the Piedmontese, Archbishop of Cagliari; Mitered does it mean that the dignity of bishop these abbots, because that is the miter, the bishop of headgear that uses a particular form) and the prior of Bonarcado in Sardinia, this was an ancient abbey, a Romanesque monument that can be visited today. In all there were then about thirty people to form the chamber of the clergy. Finally there was the Royal displacements. So the Sardinians, through Stamenti, particularly military, formed by more than 400 people because the military was not part of the displacements only the head of the family but also all those who came of age were entitled to by birth to be part. So it was a parliament cetuale, that we belonged because they belonged to an upper class of society, seeing the danger, met even though the Viceroy did not want to (keep in mind that because the war was going on in the Alps, the king had requested all troops who were also in Sardinia, which were all sent to defend the border in the Alps). So at their own expense the Sardinians decide early January of 1793 to pay 4,000 men, eight battalions, each battalion is made up of 500 men, they do come from all countries to defend the coast of Sardinia, Cagliari, and that the system does from the city to area of \u200b\u200bthe road to Villasimius, captains, etc. Flumini. The French bombed Cagliari long, but in the end is why there was a violent storm we had in February of 1993 and they had begun to lay siege since January, however, both because the Sardinians, led mainly by Jerome Pitzolo knew that rintucciare landing attempt and send them back (the skirmishes have occurred in roughly Poetto in the area which is located just before the beach of the Lido and D'Aquila, just before Mount St. Elias, because there was a battery that bombarded from the sea and tried to get behind). They were heading for Cagliari, but they did not succeed Fortunately, in Cagliari were the ground troops, those 4000; French troops are rebelling against their commanders after receiving Scoppola by some of our re-embarked, and then depart around the end of February. Sardinia and then manages to stop the French revolutionary army. We must take into account this fact, a very important event for the small Sardinia why Europe lived in fear of these new troops of the French army then was an event that aroused throughout Europe and is a general appreciation of what then is taken courage to the Sardinians, just an awareness of the value of their skills which will arise as we say in just the famous five questions. We can see a document signed by Pope Pius VI, who was in charge then called "The resistance against the French" that was seen a bit 'as a religious war against the French atheists who wanted to rape the women, who wanted to fight religion. Cagliari document is written here in 1796, however, is a reprint of the 96 that refers to the period we are talking about and not the other he praises made by Pope Pius VI to the Sardinian troops who managed to repel the French, c 'is written "brief collection of the Supreme Pontiff Pius VI sent in Sardinia after the victory achieved in 1793. This is a high moment of glory for the Sardinians who managed to stop the French. The letter, in response to the Archbishop of Cagliari, said: "Venerable brother, Health and Apostolic Blessing. Please read in your gracious letter of 11 April 1793 (immediately after the victory over the French) I could not hold back the tears for joy in seeing you described exactly what we have already announced the first public fame (in the whole of Europe this event is spreading that the portentous little Sardinia has managed to restrain the French army) and the whole of Europe celebratisi to the glory of the Sardinian name .. "exaltation, and the Sardinian people. But the literary point of view it is recalled for example a collection of poems by the poet Vincenzo Monti, if you go to see the lines that are roughly 80 to 100 of the first song of Bassvilliana (Bassville Hugo was a French official who was assassinated in Rome at this stage here) who lived in Rome made the translation of the Iliad imagine that the soul of an archangel take Hugo Bassville of atonement for the evils and almost take the soul and bring it around to all the parts in which the French have suffered defeats. One of these stages of talks about sardines Sirti in which the French had had this defeat. So even at the literary Bassvilliana, that's the name of the poem Mountains, in the first song speaks of the particular memory of this event. What happens after then? The Stamenti were able to defend yourself then the Stamenti meet because the king said, "Wow Sardinian as you were good! Now let me also any questions and I will try to fulfill it. "They meet the three rooms and then agree to propose to the sovereign a series of reforms to Sardinia also reminding the ruler that was a bit 'distracted because he had never called the Sardinian parliament (all the kings of Piedmont who were followed up from 1720 had not done so), which had an important role in the establishment of Sardinia. What was this? The state of that time was standing on this principle, we now call the three powers: legislative executive and judicial powers, then it works just as well: there was the king and intermediate bodies that were just parliaments or better cetuali representations, they did not the poor but only the upper classes. However, these parliaments in some way represent the nation and sovereignty, that state power, was exercised, under the Constitution at the time, set by the sovereign and representative bodies who were not elected but cetuali. The king of Piedmont since 1720, contrary to what they had done the Spaniards, who had always, in every decade, the Parliamentary Assembly convened regularly, they never called the Sardinian Parliament. And this serious omission if the Sardinians are related to the finger. Then prepare a unified political platform for urgent reform, then everything else would be done as soon as they settled finally and officially Stamenti, because now it was only after an exceptional event. The questions that have the sovereign are five: 1
: ask that parliament be reconvened every 10 years. What does this mean? Means to regain the element of management in the constitution of the state because then the power must be managed together by the king and parliament. How? Like so: then the concept of the relationship as a sovereign and intermediate bodies were of a treaty, the quid pro quo. Ours is very similar to the Iberian and the French. Because the Sardinia was not an absolute state according to its constitution, was a state in which sovereignty was exercised by these two basic elements, so it was a sort of diarchy, sovereignty was polycentric, that is needed to balance the needs of both the atrium . But how? The king asked that his particular territory, in this case was that of Sardinia as a kingdom from which he inferred the title of King of Sardinia a financial asset, a certain tax that had to go to the treasury of the state. And who voted, that this donation was called (which Sardinia was paid to the king's coffers)? The Parliament voted in exchange for his freedom in exchange for what was then called privileges (privileges of us today the word has taken on a negative connotation, and then this word meant the freedom of the classes, the city that is to say that those laws were in favor of this or that social class, this or that city that were the laws of that time: the court is called a chapter). So the donation was voted by Parliament and if it was not voted by the parliament the king gave you the privilege or the law.

2: The respect of fundamental laws and privileges of Sardinia. One of the fundamental laws was precisely this, to remember that it was an absolute monarchy but a mixed monarchy. A text, a song that I have here is called "the Achilles Sardinian revolution, "is a pamphlet anti-feudal and anti-monarchist or anti-absolutist best first-class. One of the suspects have written this text is, however, the prose is Muroni probably belongs more to a university professor of law not to a priest. Surely something will be agreed, however, the prose is just that of one who has studied law. In the book we can read "Analysis of Sardinian political constitution" (this thing is the time of Angioy, ie around 96 to 95) and reiterates those things before for the respect of fundamental laws, the bottom rule is to respect the fact that establishment of a kingdom and says: "The ... kingdom of Sardinia is not an absolute monarchy. The government of Sardinia is a mixed government (that is, sovereignty is exercised equally from both constituent state).

3: uses the Sardinians. Remember that all jobs were reserved for the Piedmont

4: setting up a third room of the Royal Audience (the supreme court and then even-governing body in part because it supported the viceroy, the delegate of the king, with some political matters, where there was a civil and a dining room that is criminal prosecution and civil as we would say today, but was lacking in the administration of the state and the real audience was the body with which the state was administered by the Viceroy asking a third room, dining area means an administration, what today we might call a department that was supposed to take care of the ordinary operation of all the paperwork and trade that normally passed under the control of the viceroy and the Sardinians themselves want to control these activities now and then they wanted to be established a sort of small regional prosecutor was referring to the daily administration.

5: to establish a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sardinia in Piedmont. Why is that? To provide consistency in the policy on Sardinia that was governed from London, but without there being a ministry special: the subjects that concerned the Sardinia in Turin was administered by two ministries: the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of War. Were asked to give an address unit, creating a Ministry for Sardinia.

In July 1793 the Parliament that the representatives of the nation Sardinian Sardinian sent to Turin by Vittorio Amedeo III with these five questions, six ambassadors, two for each of Stamenti. The king will not see them if they are doing nothing for months and receives only during the month of December and in the month of April will be answered but not to them who had gone there for six ambassadors of the nation Sardinian these demands, but they send the directly to the Viceroy and they are not told nothing. You can imagine the anger of these gentlemen, who represent the nation and are not even worthy of a response. They go to Sardinia and then when they find out the answer from Sardinia which had been given by the sovereign. But what was the response of the sovereign? We are on day 1 April 1794: the decree says, the king does not grant any of these questions, none of these calls for reform. Here is what you need to connect when April 28 is celebrated die de sa Sa Sardinia: it must be remembered that on April 28 that leads to the expulsion of all Piedmont Sardinia arises from the fact that the Sardinians have found themselves tricked because the king has promised the first to allow the reforms to Sardinia when they drove out the French and then did not give any of these five basic questions of state reform and better application of good administration of the state. E 'then burst into popular anger Cagliari, Cagliari, after bursting in all other towns in Sardinia, Piedmont are driven off all but the archbishop of Cagliari and religious who are not thrown away but the laity are all driven out. Once you are kicked out is important because there are no officials in Piedmont and Sardinia by the Royal Audience should govern themselves. You only govern with judges and politicians only to officials with Sardinian Sardinians. Then governs the Royal Audience with only senior Sardinian (of which also the Angioy, one of the judges of the Royal Audience, who were all in a 12 or 13 more deputies, those who collaborate, who started his career for free and then slowly entered the field) but was a rule that while a judge could be Sardinian never had been so far who had made by Inspector General who was the one who took care of the outcome of the donation and fees and then not even the regent of the Royal Chancellery, then what will become Cocco, had always been assigned to positions the Piedmont, the senior-most importantly, they were always and only in Piedmont. The viceroy Balbiano is being loaded and shipped to us self-governing in Sardinia. The new viceroy will the island until September of 1794 (it is called Vivaldi) only after the Royal Audience Stamenti and they said you can go back but only on condition that the king begins a process of reform began to give something of the five questions, in fact you know that Vivaldi, the new viceroy in Sardinia can return when the new Minister of Interior, which is called Avogadro's Quaregna ago said openings and we promise you we will make the convening of parliament and that we are starting the discussion to the requests you have done.
Fall '94: As a direct result of the expulsion of the Piedmontese ruler begins to understand traite Avogadro's Quaregna that you could not go into a situation against wall wall. And the first award they do is to assign the two highest offices of the kingdom are those of Inspector General and General of the Army, one who commanded the military forces of Sardinia and one that dealt with the financial status of the region of Sardinia, two Sardinians are Pitzolo Jerome is one of the heroes of the resistance against the French, and the Marquis of Planargia that until now had been on the continent, because before this time he was a governor of the northern cities of northern Italy , had been governor of Cuneo, for example, and is sent to Sardinia. If you do that at this point, the patriotic party that had brought forward the project of reform of the 5 questions began to divide and Pitzolo Planargia and believe that the Sardinian revolution to stop it here because the king has taken on its request that the Sardinians to the jobs in the state, places a great responsibility, but there is all the more moving headed by Angioy by Ignazio Musso, Advocate Cabras Cagliari belongs to the bourgeoisie, to which those prinzipales, which owns the country gentry who believes that the reform process should be clearly different because there is all the feudal system then pull down. Then "the first crack in the party of patriots who will, because those two Pitzolo Planargia and even become secretly informers of those who are seen as Jacobins, and then they want a wider reform, are even lists of proscription, they wanted to imprison them. And so in July of 1795 carried the two political assassinations. The component of Sardinian patriots who want a broader reform and the people of Cagliari kill these two characters such as in political crimes: he was assassinated before the Pitzolo 6 July 1795 and was assassinated 15 days after the Marquis of Planargia. The reactionary party of former patriotic party that is wiped out. It 's a very delicate moment in the context of this policy, then, are two full-fledged political assassinations. What happens now? The moment in which this is happening that I am telling the feudal lords, who belonged to the wing reactionary and bound to Pitzolo Planargia, try to resist and say, "but these are all Cagliari Jacobins! Robespierre! No longer want the king, the monarchy, they want a republic, "and then do strength and Sassari come to ask the head of Sassari to govern independently of the head of Cagliari that refuse obedience to legitimate authority is the Viceroy . We are in August 1795. At the same time, however, comes a huge movement of opposition to feudal lords in the countryside, Sardinia is burning between the summer and fall of 1795 because before she moved to the city, now are moving to the vassals of the campaign also are asking their reforms and what are these reforms? Abolishing feudalism, or at least contain the abuses of feudalism. Because you know that under the feudal system as you may have read such taxes are paid on the legnatico, Erbate it was paying, you paid the ghiandatico etc.. These fees were too exorbitant, then to try to counter the feudal lords of the north and the south and the viceroy decided to start giving a signal of openness to people who were protesting against the estates of feudal abuses. And make a circular signed by Don Philip Vivalda of 10 August 1795 in argue that precisely the need to listen to the vassals because surely there are rights unlawfully accurate, just that they were called rights issue. Was illegal because when the landowner receives the investiture by the king, the diploma of investiture are all the clauses under which it can administer. Then it will say what are the heavy taxes that have to pay the vassals. However, over time these heavy taxes had become unbearable because of heavy taxes were added to those that were in infeudazione diplomas, and they were illegitimate. There I quote one: Duke Asinara that was missing, even though he had a Sassari fiefs of Thiesi, Ittiri and in that area, applied to a heavy tax vassals really strange, he asked what in the Sardinian language is called "de su sorighes Peddio up" on Peddio was a kind of container, a measure of capacity, which corresponds roughly to a liter. His vassals were then paid more than all other imposts which is often, even as a heavy tax in his store because the rats ate the wheat barley oats etc, rather than adjust the stores would be offset even this he lost because there were mice. An extreme example of high taxes and then not legitimate. Then the same landowners realize this step of the limit with this card here shall be posted in all baronial curiae (the current policy, or court) that a "circular viceroy of Philip Vivalda direct to the cities and villas of the kingdom" and says "the many quarrels and dissensions that day are getting excited in different houses of the kingdom and their respective landowners concerning the results of various feudal rights that extend as abusive or contrary to law or because they recently introduced without lawful authority ... [the viceroy is recognized that there is an abuse] "All those who are in these conditions are therefore invited to elect a representative and send written to Cagliari with all those who have claims against the heavy taxes illegally claimed by landowners because the Stamenti front, before the Viceroy and before the Royal Audience should be discussing to find a composition.
What happens then? The feudal lords of Sassari not want to accept this paper for which the viceroy was forced in October 1795 when they refused to post this circular to the public, to send 3 officials to acta, three officials to the north of Sardinia 's curia in charge of passing in each country to see if they had failed to publish this paper here.


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