Monday, February 9, 2009

Length Of Time To Keep Psychiatric Records


are Pier Luigi Lecis, a greeting to all participants and thanks to Mark for the invitation. I am pleased to resume contacts with you after the meeting last week, which sought only to establish a ground for dialogue by asking questions and background information, rather than offering ready-made answers. Special thanks to prof. Martinez, who got me involved, as in the past, in this work and in your work project. Prof. Martinez is very good at thinking about themes and forms of cooperative work, which not only help to deepen the knowledge, but allow you to do testing new and interesting ways to communicate, stimulating the desire to 'learn more'. We have other experiences shared at the back, all very positive, it encourages us to continue. Unfortunately the many commitments during this period I will allow a constant presence, but I want to tell you that, as far as possible, I will be here to follow your work, and are available to answer your questions or respond to questions on Monday it was not possible propose. We have not had the time and calm enough for him, but if you want, the blog provides a good opportunity to develop speech, to return, if it interests you, on that '' archipelago-history 'of which I spoken about the plurality and diversity of ways of doing history is the spice of historical knowledge, and that comes from the many interests and needs that drive us to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe past. Without the illusion of absolute truth, but also with the confidence that the story we need, that provides reliable and verifiable knowledge, which can tell us' how things have gone ', as well as show the connections between' the way they did 'and' as they go now '. It is not just a factory of 'facts' to confirm convenient ideologies, moral principles, political or religious pre-established, historic, or reader. Better that the task of historians to look like an archipelago, a little messy, rather than a compact armored fortress, it is more not so easy to become employed in the official truth, Orthodox, or controlled by outside powers and interests, not guided by goals of knowledge.
A final thanks to these guys on Monday for the attention and patience with which they have followed
Pier Luigi Lecis


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