Sunday, February 22, 2009

Side Dishes To Have With Venison

angioiana The four days of the revolution.

angioiana The four days of the revolution.

Summary by Delussu Michela and Sabrina Podda the rate of
Luciano Marroccu (on "anti-feudal movements Bicentennial 1796-96 - City of Bono)
shown in class Saturday, 21/02 / 2009.

From a long historiographical production with plenty of titles led to two different readings of the revolution angioiana:

-the first we see a series of stories, characters and examples that make us proud to be Sardinian.

-second reading emphasizes only 'aspect of modernization. Between 1793 and 1796, Sardinia took place in the modern world to catch up with the great currents of history. We can then consider the revolution angioiana the reflection of the French Revolution.

L 'aspect of the modernization of national and intertwine. Is a very important aspect of the events of 1793-96 that certainly does not appear revolutionary. In early 1793 the French fleet around the Gulf of Cagliari, sent by the Interim Executive Council (the 'governing body formed after the fall of the monarchy). We are at the helm of the Jacobin principle: the French are at war Piedmont, Savoy and decide according to a specific military strategy to attack Sardinia. The French want to win is to leave Sardinia is the Sardinians from the feudal and aristocratic. At this point it is natural that the first defense is made by the nobles and clergy that will push the people to mobilize against the 'French army. The militia troops are mobilized to defend the throne el 'altar. In this case, the defense of the homeland is identified with the defense of tradition. We see that the nobles and bishops who simply wanted the defense of 'order of things will have after the revolution. The mobilization of militia troops do not follow the formal lines of a pre-established organization. The noble recruit militants in villages where they have a certain influence by committing its own resources or those of the clergy. We must point out that there was a real army but a collection of armed gangs, each with its own commander. The viceroy's troops are made up of professional soldiers. The suspicion arises that the lack of decision by which the viceroy Balbiano confronted the French fleet was the result of political calculation and from Turin opens up the possibility of the sale of Sardinia to France for the salvation of the kingdom.

War reveals the lack of grip that 's administration has on society Sardinian Savoyard. The 'French invasion thus brought to light the difficulties. But at the same time active processes before unpredictable. With the threat of 'attack the French are now gathered Stamenti (the ancient parliaments), one for each of the three orders of the Kingdom:
- the displacements of the military nobility.
- him displacements of the Church clergy.
- the real displacements representing the city.
's meeting as he has discussed the restoration of 'ancient constitution of the kingdom, the Regnum Sardiniae.
Now the scenario is facing the displacements. The Sardinian revolution is a revolution of lawyers and intellectuals. Lawyers as Pitzolo, Cabras and Pintor and intellectuals who have the ability to place events in a broader spatial and temporal framework. Know both the old laws of the Kingdom is the story of other revolutions from which they draw lessons and examples. In a second time, we see the wording of the "Five Questions" by the delegates stamentari, trying to deliver them directly to the king. At the heart of these questions is required to reserve the military, ecclesiastical and civil Sardinians, but above that of a regular call, and institutionalization of the displacements. Asserts the rights claiming that they are part of a constitution in Sardinia. As a result of lack of acceptance by the king of the five questions, there is the expulsion of 28 April 1794, the viceroy and the Piedmont from Cagliari first and then the rest of 'island.

The third moment of the revolution is characterized by the first all divisions' internal deployment of Sardinia. These are two divisions: the first is within the grid stamentario. There are those who want to return to 'sort out who Pitzolo and the Marquis of Planargia, and those who want to continue, accepting the' idea of \u200b\u200breplacing Balbiano, but reproduce the objectives of the Five Questions. This period is characterized by a number of plots and assassinations including that of Pitzolo and Planargia. Then there are the Sassari who see the emergence of power stamentario yet another attempt by the Cagliari to assert the primacy of the capital, also disagreed on the anti-feudal reforms proposed by the displacements. On 10 August 1795 is the announcement that Viceroy feudalised villas are invited to express their dissent promising that feudal rights and benefits were considered and those deemed abusive deleted.

There is a difference between feudal lords of the south and north, and from these contrasts was born the fourth period of the revolution characterized by civil war. The situation changed with the announcement that the Viceroy Sassari decide not to give any kind of advertising and with this they can be considered a real revolt. Thus began a bustle of armed men who walk around the island. Francesco Cilloco is the first to be appointed by the displacements to spread the invitation of the Viceroy in the villas Logudoro. This is the time of the peasant revolt, in fact Above the villages of the Cape of effervescence feudal turns into a riot, even law-abiding, and then in the name of the viceroy of the king. On December 28, 1795 ended the march Cilloco enters Sassari, while the barons and representatives of the fleeing stamentaria settle in power. A few months later is another gear, to John Mary Angioy. He is the most authoritative judge of the Royal Audience that manages to combine methods legalists and revolutionary methods. Giommaria Angioy is the main man of the revolution stamentaria but is also part of the peasant revolution. In February 1796 a shipment Sassari Angioy ago when it stops in the villages. He is the alternos that is invested with the powers of the viceroy and consequently those of the king, is also a judge and as such it behaves in every village administering the law and resolving local disputes. Its full statement as a political leader is through a direct relationship, on the other hand, its strength is also based on many reports of patronage that has managed to establish in many villages. When he enters Sassari Giommaria Angioy is not only a lawyer but is the head farmer. Between May and June he began his march to Cagliari, who wants to reaffirm its role as leader of the movement stamentario. Going south is gaining more support without knowing how much the deployment antiangioiano. Against him have turned Efisio Pintor and displacements: the protagonists of the revolution of April 28 antipiemontese representing the moderates of today and they want the return to order. To do this they are willing to sacrifice everything. A striking element at the end of the revolution of Sardinia is the self-denial of the island's ruling elites, the ones that first gave life to the movement of the Five Questions. A particular fact is that just as Angioy is defeated and taken into exile from London comes the news that the King has accepted the Five Questions. Unfortunately there is more autonomy, in fact, a few years after the displacements waiver of the five questions. This sad end of the revolution there Sardinian reflect on what makes the island's ruling elites were weak.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Length Of Time To Keep Psychiatric Records


are Pier Luigi Lecis, a greeting to all participants and thanks to Mark for the invitation. I am pleased to resume contacts with you after the meeting last week, which sought only to establish a ground for dialogue by asking questions and background information, rather than offering ready-made answers. Special thanks to prof. Martinez, who got me involved, as in the past, in this work and in your work project. Prof. Martinez is very good at thinking about themes and forms of cooperative work, which not only help to deepen the knowledge, but allow you to do testing new and interesting ways to communicate, stimulating the desire to 'learn more'. We have other experiences shared at the back, all very positive, it encourages us to continue. Unfortunately the many commitments during this period I will allow a constant presence, but I want to tell you that, as far as possible, I will be here to follow your work, and are available to answer your questions or respond to questions on Monday it was not possible propose. We have not had the time and calm enough for him, but if you want, the blog provides a good opportunity to develop speech, to return, if it interests you, on that '' archipelago-history 'of which I spoken about the plurality and diversity of ways of doing history is the spice of historical knowledge, and that comes from the many interests and needs that drive us to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe past. Without the illusion of absolute truth, but also with the confidence that the story we need, that provides reliable and verifiable knowledge, which can tell us' how things have gone ', as well as show the connections between' the way they did 'and' as they go now '. It is not just a factory of 'facts' to confirm convenient ideologies, moral principles, political or religious pre-established, historic, or reader. Better that the task of historians to look like an archipelago, a little messy, rather than a compact armored fortress, it is more not so easy to become employed in the official truth, Orthodox, or controlled by outside powers and interests, not guided by goals of knowledge.
A final thanks to these guys on Monday for the attention and patience with which they have followed
Pier Luigi Lecis

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Adams County Ohio Hunting Lease

Lucidi Professor Professor Serri Serri

used by the tutor during the lesson of November 25, 2005

direct link to the Transparency

Can A Twisted Colon Change

Lesson - 25 Nov. 2005

lecture by prof. Giuseppe Serra in Class A. 4 ° E Institute Pacinotti on Monday, November 28, 2005.

A possible definition of HISTORY LOCAL is: a story of limited territorial entity. For example, a parish, a village, a diocese, a province, a region. Beginning the study of one of these entities, there is a need to broaden the scope of the survey by the "local to general." The analysis of a village, for example, involves in addition to its description in particular, the inclusion of this entity in a wider context, its relations with the surrounding villages, with the region, with the state, and so on.
From this definition one can understand how there can be no room in and of itself, but a local report to the General and generally in relation to the premises. Among the local and the general exists a dialectical relationship one can understand the general through the local and vice versa.


Until a few years ago, but today also happens in some cases, academic historians accused the students of local history of provincialism and given the title of "historic village" who was concerned with studies of local history.
The turning point came in the thirties. Born in 1929 in France, an innovative magazine, the "Annales", the work of Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre. The innovation was to conceive of history as social science and thus to establish a relation with other social sciences. You can not talk about local history without put it in a geographical, economic, demographic, and so on.
From here a broad debate about the characteristics and values \u200b\u200bof local history. According to the Annales "The study of a community should be compared to the overall complexity of its aspects."
The story of a community we must situate it in the specific and must be thoroughly investigated and the whole of its activities and its characteristics, thus opening up a global survey on which the local history lends itself more easily than general, because obviously being a small part enters in more detail and analyze the relationships with others.
A case in point is a important book, published in 1975, a French historian Le Roy Ladurie Emmanule, belonging to the school of Annales, entitled "Montaillou.

Le Roy Ladurie was able to provide a number of important historical information on the history of Provence and France, writing the story of this small medieval village. Then, from local to general. A major source of the this direction turned out to church records, which began to be drafted during the Counter Reformation. Indeed, the Church was interested in knowing the social situation of the population in order to exert greater influence. Every pastor from the end of the 500 had on the job to fill out five records, one birth, one of the confirmations, one of the weddings, burials and one of one of the states of souls. The latter in particular proved to be valuable, he noted that all members of each family and then provide the historical data necessary to know the demographic situation. The census was carried out during the Easter blessing. Of course, the neglect of many priests and their lack of precision led to the frequent absence of this kind of historical documentation.
From the Thirties to date has developed a long debate on the significance of local history and its relationship with the overall story. One of the key points of local history is its dual role. In the three truth values, but the third, that teaching is not always considered. The other values \u200b\u200bare the political, cultural and scientific-knowledge. Nowadays we tend to prefer the former, but that does not mean that one is more important than the other.


As mentioned earlier between local and general history, there is a dialectical relationship, that leads to the other one for easier understanding.
First of all there is to say that the local analysis helps us to avoid the use of generalized categories. Take for example the concept of "peasant world": he speaks as if it were a homogeneous entity, when in reality consists of different categories of laborers, small landowners, farmers, in other words so many categories, each of which has different characteristics and requirements.
not possible to speak of a single country world, including that of Sardinia and the Po Valley, for example, because they are totally different. This is one of the basic points because it shows that local history is important to better define the different facets of a reality, and avoid generic interpretative schemes and often mystifying.
There are three profiles of local history:

1. Analysis of local relapse for a review of the overall process.
For example, after 1861 the historical right to the Italian government implemented a harsh policy of reforms to bridge the financing gap. In this respect the history of Sardinia has been very helpful to illustrate the situation of that period: for example, the sale of communal land caused a great loss for the farmers who came to collect the wood (under the laws of ademprivio).
popular uprisings broke out throughout the island: the best known is that of Nuoro, where the population rose to cries of "up to torramus connottu," and then to the tradition.
This episode shows that the prejudices of local history, seen as less important than general, and may be exceeded.

2. Analysis of local pressures on the general processes.
E 'need to know the local history to understand the processes of general policy.
For example, came to power in 1876 the parliamentary left, that completely changed the framework of Italian politics, economic policy and thus the geographical location of parliamentarians. In fact, it went from a historic right composed of landowners and large landowners, businessmen left to industrial, commercial, agricultural, and a liberal economic policy to a protectionist policy.
Everything becomes clearer and more consistent, though, if you know conditions, for example, Sicily or Naples because the change was due to protectionist interests precise. From here we can say that the general processes are influenced by local conditions.

3. Possible generalization of the models identified at the local level.
For example, we can link with the parish registers, that produces patterns of behavior that local populations have been extended to general models of demographic behavior. It is, therefore, a generalized use of studies and local documents.

political value-CULTURAL

One of the functions of local history and the basic points of this value is to promote the memory history.
Thanks to this man also manages to develop a concept of identity and therefore different from the others.
What is identity? It 's a sense of self that each of us, a sense that makes us aware of our diversity than the others.
The historical memory helps us to develop extended identity, or the community as a family, a football team, one country. In other words, people united by characteristics or habits that have in common. Identity is fundamental to the human being, because it is the awareness of ourselves and allows us to feel so different, but not in a "racist" (Ie I am superior to another) but in a way that leads us to compare our being with others different from us. If we were all the same, this would be useless. But we run a risk: fundamentalism, which can be political, religious, and that can lead to an exaggerated attachment to oneself, so that you fear and reject the rest, namely, the difference seen in a negative way.
E 'this is a mistake that was repeated many times throughout history, because the secret lies in accepting the plurality of identities and the comparison with others, that enriches us. Collaboration and solidarity with others, however, is feasible only if you know the others, ignorance often leads us to generalize and trivialize the diversity in judging. For example, many see the Albanians as criminals, but they are all obviously, but still there are these kinds of prejudices. About
local history, as we have already mentioned, there are still problems. 1-
Local history: a law student?
The teaching of local history in schools, despite widespread appreciation achieved in recent times, is still subject to debate. The study of local history is a law student, and yet there are still many problems that prevent them from teaching. One of these problems is the time and the exhaustive many teachers: the solution would be the choice of a few arguments to explain in detail.
is a grave mistake to expect the whole story unfolds on the surface due to lack of time. The method of selection, which is indeed the key to historical research, the student must understand the true meaning of history.

2 - Integration of local / general curriculum in the history of
We have already said that studying history is a law student, but you must teach in a way, that is being included in the program's history and not doing a lesson every now and then, separated and other general history of the program being studied.

3 - Perspectives Added staff of Sardinia's history in school curricula. Is linked to the previous problem.

4-Risk of marginalization of local history in the school. Local history can not be taught separately from the general as they are linked, separated and educationally wrong.