Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wendy's Pregnancy Milena Velba

on the history and learning of history in Europe

1. People have a right to their past, just as they have a right In rejecting. The story is one of several ways to find this past and to create a cultural identity. It is also a gateway to experience the richness of the past and other cultures. It is a discipline that concerns the development of a critical approach to information and controlled imagination.
2. The story also has a key political role to play in Europe today. It could help to increase understanding, tolerance and trust between individuals and among peoples of Europe - or it can become a force of division, violence and intolerance.
3. Historical knowledge is an important civic skills. Without it, the individual is more vulnerable to political manipulation or other.
4. For most young people, the story begins in school. This should not simply be about learning by heart the historical facts in the case, should be an introduction to how we got to historical knowledge, a subject to develop critical thinking and development of a democratic, tolerant and responsible civic attitude.
5. Schools are not the only source of information and historic review. Other sources include media, film, literature and tourism. Influence is exerted also by family, from peers, from local and national communities and political and religious circles.
6. The new technologies of communication (CD-I, CD-ROM, Internet, virtual reality, etc..) Are gradually extending the scope of the impact of historical subjects.
7. It must be a distinction between different forms of history: tradition, memories and history analysis. In each of these facts are based on different criteria. And these various forms of history play different roles.
8. Politicians have their own vision of history, and some are tempted to manipulate it. Indeed, all political systems have used history for their own ends and have imposed their version of historical facts as well as their definition of good and bad historical figures.
9. Although their purpose remain constant must be close as possible objectivity, even historians are well aware of the essential subjectivity of history and the various ways it can be reconstructed and interpreted.
10. Citizens have a right to learn the history that has not been manipulated. The State should guarantee this right and to encourage an appropriate scientific approach, without religious bias or political, in all that is taught.
11. Teachers and researchers should be in close contact to ensure continuous updating and renewal of the teaching content of history. It 'important that the story is taken up with this.
12. It should also be transparency between those who work in all areas of history, in the classroom, in the studio or in the university library.
13. Particular attention should be paid to problems of Central and Eastern Europe who suffered from the manipulation of history in recent times and in some cases continues to be subject of political censorship.

14. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers to encourage the teaching of history in Europe regarding the following proposals: The
The historical awareness should be an essential part of education for all young people. History teaching should enable students to acquire critical thinking skills to analyze and interpret the information responsibly and effectively, to recognize the complexity of the subject and to appreciate cultural diversity. Stereotypes should be identified and every other kind of distortion based on prejudice national, racial, religious or other;
II The content of history teaching should be very open. It should include all aspects of society (the social and cultural events as well as political ones). The role of women should be recognized appropriately. Should be taught the history local and national (but not national) as well as the history of minorities. The events at issue, sensitive and tragic forces should be balanced by positive mutual;
III The history of all Europe, that of the main political and economic events, and philosophical and cultural movements that have shaped European identity must be included in curricula;
IV Schools should recognize the different ways in which these topics are treated in different countries, which could be developed as the basis for trade schools;
V should be given support George Eckert Institute for Research International textbooks and Ministries Education and the Editors of the Member States should be encouraged to ensure that the manual collection of the Institute is kept up to date;
VI The different forms of learning in history (the study of textbooks, television, lectures, museum visits, etc.. ) should be combined, with no exclusive preference for one of them. Should be fully integrated new information technologies. Should be identified appropriate criteria for academic and educational material to be used;
VII should be fostered greater interaction between school and extra-curricular influences on appreciation of history by young people, for example through the museums (and especially the museums of history), cultural routes and tourism in general;
VIII innovative approaches should be encouraged, as well as continued training, especially in new technologies. An interactive network of history teachers should be encouraged. The story should be a priority subject for teachers in Europe organized within the structure of the program for training teachers of the Council for cultural co-operation;
IX should be encouraged cooperation between teachers and historians, for example through the media the new project of the Education Committee of the Council for Cultural Co-learning and teaching European history in the twentieth century;
X support of the government should be given to the creation of independent national associations of teachers of history. Should be encouraged active involvement in the Association of History Teachers Euroclio;
XI A code of standards for the teaching of history should be prepared in collaboration with teachers of history, as well as a European statute to protect them from handling policy.
15. Assembly supports the freedom of academic research but would expect the professional liability in the field of parallel broadcasting. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers: The
to ask governments to ensure continued financial support for historical research and the work of the multilateral and bilateral agreements on contemporary history;
II to promote cooperation among historians as to help encourage the development of attitudes more open and more tolerant in Europe, taking into account the different experiences and opinions
III is to ensure that protected the right of historians to freedom of expression.
16. Should be encouraged European cooperation in the field of history. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers: The
study the basic elements of different stories the peoples of Europe, once accepted by everyone, could be included in all texts of European history;
II considers the possibility of establishing a library in the Member States in history on-line;
III encourages Member States to establish National History Museum on the model of the German House of History in Bonn "
IV promotes bilateral and multilateral projects on the history and teaching of history and in particular regional projects in neighboring countries.

Recommandation 1283 (1996)
Relative à l'histoire et à l'apprentissage de l'histoire en Europe

1. Tout individu a droit de connaître the its past and the right to disown it. The story is one way to find that past and forge a cultural identity. It is also a gateway to experience the rich history and other cultures. History is a discipline that develops the critical approach to information and controlled imagination.

2. The story also has a political role to play in Europe today. It can promote understanding, tolerance and trust between individuals and between peoples of Europe. It can also become a divisive force, violence and intolerance.

3. Knowledge of history is important for civic life. Without it, the individual is more vulnerable, prone to manipulation, political or otherwise.

4. For most kids, the story begins at school. It should not be to learn by heart haphazard historical facts and should be an introduction to the methods of historical knowledge in order to develop critical thinking and foster a democratic, tolerant and civil liability.

5. Schools are not the only sources of information and opinion on the story. Other sources include the media mass, cinema, literature and tourism. Influence is also exerted by family, peers, local and national communities, and by religious and political circles.
6. The new communication technologies (CD-I, CD-ROM, Internet, virtual reality, etc..) Are gradually extending the scope and impact of historical subjects.

7. It is possible to distinguish several forms of history: tradition, memories and analytical history. Obeys the selection of facts, in each of the forms, to different criteria. And these different forms of history play different roles.

8. Politicians have their own interpretation of history, and some are tempted to manipulate it. Almost all political systems have used history to serve their interests and have imposed their version of historical events and their definition of good and evil in history.

9. Even if their goal is to be as objective as possible, historians are also well aware of the subjectivity of history and the different ways it can be reconstructed and interpreted.

10. Citizens have the right to learn history not manipulated. The state should uphold this right and encourage appropriate scientific approach, without religious or political, of all that is taught.
11. Teachers and researchers should work together to ensure continuous updating and renewal of the teaching content of the story. It is important that history keeps pace with the present.
12. Transparency should be the norm among all those working in the fields of history, whether the classroom, the television studio or the university library.
13. Particular attention should be paid to the problems of Central and Eastern Europe who suffered so much from the manipulation of history until very recently and in this case is still subject to political censorship.

14. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers encourage the teaching of history in Europe with the following proposals:

I. nowledge of the history should be an essential part of youth education. Its teaching should enable students to acquire the intellectual ability to analyze and interpret information critically and responsibly, to grasp the complexity of issues and to appreciate cultural diversity. It is important to identify stereotypes and other distortions based on prejudice national, racial, religious or other;

II. content of history curricula should be very open. It should include all aspects of societies (social and cultural history as well as political history). The role of women should be duly recognized. Local history and national history (but not nationalist) should be taught as well as the history of minorities. Events controversial, sensitive and tragic events should be balanced by positive mutual influences;

III. history of all Europe, history major political and economic events, as well as philosophical and cultural movements that have formed the European identity must be included in the curriculum;

IV. schools should recognize the different ways to treat the same topics in different countries, and this can be developed as a basis for exchanges;

V. Georg Eckert Institute for International Research on textbooks should be supported, and the Ministries of Education and publishers of textbooks Member States should ensure that the collection of manuals the Institute is kept up to date;

VI. we must combine different forms of learning history (the study of the manual, television, lectures, museum tours, etc..) without too much emphasis on an exclusive, one of them. The new information technologies must be integrated fully in this process. Educational (and academic) for selecting appropriate materials to be used should be provided;

VII. greater interaction should be fostered between the academic and extracurricular influences on the perception of history by young people, example by museums (and especially by history museums), cultural routes and tourism in general;

innovative approaches to the teaching of history should be encouraged, as well as vocational training, particularly with regard to new technologies. The establishment of an interactive network of history teachers should be encouraged. The story should be a priority for the European teachers' courses organized under the Council's program of cultural cooperation for the training of teachers;

IX. should promote cooperation between teachers and historians, for example through the new project of the Education Committee of the Council for Cultural Cooperation on learning and teaching of the history of Europe in the twentieth century;

X . . Governments should support the creation of independent national associations of history teachers. The active participation of these in the European association of history teachers should be encouraged Euroclio;

XI. a code of conduct for the teaching of history should be prepared in collaboration with teachers in history, and a charter to protect European manipulations policies.

15. The Assembly supports the freedom of academic research but also expects the same professional liability that requested to broadcast professionals. Accordingly, the Assembly recommends the Committee of Ministers:

I. . To ask governments to ensure continued funding of research in history and the work of multilateral and bilateral commissions on contemporary history;

II. . To promote cooperation between historians, taking into account different opinions and experiences, to foster the development of attitudes more open and tolerant in Europe;

III. III.d ensure the protection of the right of historians to freedom of expression.

16. European collaboration in the field of history should be encouraged. The Assembly recommends the Committee of Ministers:
I. . To study the basic elements of the various histories of the peoples of Europe, accepted by all, could be integrated in all European history textbooks;

II. . To consider the possibility of member states in an electronic library of history

III. . To encourage member states to establish museums national story about the German model of "House of History" in Bonn;
promote bilateral and multilateral projects in the field of history and history teaching, and in particular projects regional neighboring countries.

One (1996) History and history of Europe The Learning

1) People Have a Right to Their Past, Just As They Have a right to disown it. History is one of SEVERAL Ways of retrieving this past and Creating a cultural identity. It was est aussi Gateway to the experiences and Richness of the Past and of Other cultures. It Is A Disciplinary Concerned With The Development of a critical approach to information and of controlled imagination.

2) History also has a key political role to play in today's Europe. It can contribute to greater understanding, tolerance and confidence between individuals and between the peoples of Europe - or it can become a force for division, violence and intolerance.

3) Historical awareness is an important civic skill. Without it the individual is more vulnerable to political and other manipulation.

4) For most young people, history begins in school. This should not simply be the learning by heart of haphazard historical facts; it should be an initiation into how historical knowledge is arrived at, a matter of developing the critical mind and the development of a democratic, tolerant and responsible civic attitude.

5) Schools are not the sole source of historical information and opinion. Other sources include the mass media, films, literature and tourism. Influence is also exercised by the family, peer groups, local and national communities, and by religious and political circles.

6) The new communication technologies (CD-I, CD-ROM, Internet, virtual reality, etc.) are gradually extending the range and impact of historical subjects.

7) A distinction may be made between several forms of history: tradition, memories and analytical history. Facts are selected on the basis of different criteria in each. And these various forms of history play different roles.

8) Politicians have their own interpretations of history, and some are tempted to manipulate it. Virtually all political systems have used history for their own ends and have imposed both their version of historical facts and their definition of the good and bad figures of history.

9) Even if their constant aim may be to get as close to objectivity as possible, historians are also well aware of the essential subjectivity of history and of the various ways in which it can be reconstructed and interpreted.

10) Citizens have a right to learn history that has not been manipulated. The state should uphold this right and encourage an appropriate scientific approach, without religious or political bias, in all that is taught.

11) Teachers and research workers should be in close contact to assure the continued updating and renewal of the content of history teaching. It is important that history keep pace with the present.
12) There should also be transparency between those working in all areas of history, whether in the school classroom, television studio or university library.

13) Particular attention should be given to the problems in central and eastern Europe which has suffered from the manipulation of history up to recent times and continues in certain cases to be subject to political censorship.
14) The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers encourage the teaching of history in Europe with regard to the following proposals:

I. historical awareness should be an essential part of the education of all young people. The teaching of history should enable pupils to acquire critical thinking skills to analyse and interpret information effectively and responsibly, to recognise the complexity of issues and to appreciate cultural diversity. Stereotypes should be identified and any other distortions based on national, racial, religious or other prejudice;

II. the subject matter of history teaching should be very open. It should include all aspects of societies (social and cultural history as well as political). The role of women should be given proper recognition. Local and national (but not nationalist) history should be taught as well as the history of minorities. Controversial, sensitive and tragic events should be balanced by positive mutual influences;

III. the history of the whole of Europe, that of the main political and economic events, and the philosophical and cultural movements which have formed the European identity must be included in syllabuses;

IV. schools should recognise the different ways in which the same subjects are handled in different countries, and this could be developed as a basis for interschool exchanges;

V. support should be given to the Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, and Ministries of Education and educational publishers in member states should be asked to ensure that the institute's collection of textbooks be kept up-to-date;

VI. the different forms of history learning (textbook study, television, project work, museum visits, etc.) should be combined, without exclusive preference to any of them. New information technologies should be fully integrated. Proper educational and academic) standards must be ensured for the material used;

VII. greater interaction should be fostered between school and out-of-school influences on young people's appreciation of history, for example by museums (and in particular history museums), cultural routes and tourism in general;

VIII. innovatory approaches should be encouraged, as well as continued in-service training, especially with regard to new technologies. An interactive network of history teachers should be encouraged. History should be a priority subject for European teachers' courses organised within the framework of the Council for Cultural Co-operation in-service training programme for teachers;

IX. co-operation should be encouraged between teachers and historians, for example by means of the Education Committee of the Council for Cultural Co-operation's new project on learning and about teaching the history of Europe in the 20th century;

X. government support should be given to the setting up of independent national associations of history teachers. Their active involvement in the European history teachers' association Euroclio should be encouraged;

XI. a code of practice for history teaching should be drawn up in collaboration with history teachers, as well as a European charter to protect them from political manipulation.

15) The Assembly supports freedom of academic research but would also expect professional responsibility as in the parallel field of broadcasting. The Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

I. ask governments to assure continued financial support for historical research and the work of multilateral and bilateral commissions on contemporary history;

II. promote co-operation between historians so as to help encourage the development of more open and more tolerant attitudes in Europe by taking account of different experiences and opinions;

III. ensure that the right of historians to freedom of expression is protected.

16) European collaboration should be encouraged in the field of history. The Assembly recommends that the Committee of Ministers:

I. study the basic elements of the different histories of the peoples of Europe which, when accepted by everyone, could be included in all European history textbooks;
II. consider the possibility of establishing in member states an on-line library of history;

III. encourage member states to establish national history museums on the lines of the German "House of History" in Bonn;

IV. promote multilateral and bilateral projects on history and history teaching and in particular regional projects between neighbouring countries.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Emt Online Colorado Accelerated

Angioy (1751-1808)

"So the war started as a suggestion from feudal Angioy partisan because, turned into a complaint of oppressed peoples, were it to Angioy alternos"
Giuseppe Manno, Modern History of Sardinia
Angioy Don Giovanni Maria (1751 - 1808) , Bono was born in October 21, 1751 from noble parents who die shortly after his birth.
He deals with his mother's brother, Don Taddeo Arras, which is his first teacher of grammar. For other courses in languages \u200b\u200band fine arts will subsequently refer to fathers Mercedarians at their convent school in the church of Our Lady of Mercy, and after closure of the convent decreed Bogino minister in 1776, became San Ramon.
continues his studies at the college Canopoleno and at the University of Sassari, getting good results and attracting the admiration of his own teachers. Despite
'inclination for religious life, is sent by his uncle Thaddeus to continue their studies at the University of Cagliari.
He trained with the Chambers of Nieddu, uncle of the mother, but after a short period of professional services dedicated to university (all 'age of 21 years is a former professor) and later became part of the judiciary covering the important roles of judge of the Royal Audience (the highest judiciary island) and assistant to the regent of the Royal Chancellery (the most important position in the kingdom of Sardinia after the viceroy).
at the City Hall to Bono reads: "To Giovanni Maria Angioy, which inspired by the values \u200b\u200bof 'banned the 89 Sardinian crusade against feudal tyranny." This reminds us that, even if with some delay, caused by a relative state of isolation and backwardness, because even the limited means of communication then available, also Sardinia had reached the new ideas of 'Enlightenment and that certainly Physiocracy Angioy the know like many other people of culture period. This is also thanks to the effects of policy interventions and especially cultural Reform of the island made by the Minister Bogino University (1764-1765).
the age of 30 years young married Annica Belgrano, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, in the church of St. Eulalia, in the Marina district of Cagliari.
separated after the birth of Hope, the two are then reunited through the good offices of viceroy.
go to live in the district of Castello, and have two daughters, Josephine and Maria Angela.
Angioy Giovanni Maria soon proves an able and astute businessman businessman: portatogli invests capital in dowry from Belgrano in loans to individuals (there were no banks in Cagliari) and given to the purchase of houses and land.
Angioy has then give way to further demonstrate its power business, as it suggests the historical Carlino Sole, from 1789 will bear fruit in the cultivation of cotton and indigo tree for the painting of the canvas, much to raise the estimated Viceroy Balbiano.
then set up a factory of caps, in company with Andrew Delorenzo and other businesses. This raises again the enthusiasm of Balbiano that he even wanted to name the factory 's Dawn of the kingdom. "
The failure of these initiatives is undoubtedly due to the mobilization against the French invasion attempts, according to some historians, the general situation in which backward toward the island. The
Manno, from a perspective that abhors moderate revolutions and reforms expected by the grace of the Sovereign, in his work (which, according to Luciano Marrocu was then "a monument"), accuses the hard Angioy, based on a manuscript anonymous and recently reissued in a critical edition by Luciano paper entitled "History of 'troubles have occurred in the kingdom of Sardinia from the year 1792 onwards."
After the expulsion of the Piedmont (the "BET" of April 28, 1794, now commemorated as "day of Sa Sa Sardinia"), you Angioy would be the reference point of the innovators or "Jacobin" (Generically called in Italy as were those who took a stand against the old regime).
We received long lists that include judges, officials, professionals, intellectuals, artisans, shopkeepers, peasants, clergy belonging to the Sardinian faction of the Jacobins, all hoping to improve their economic and social conditions. The house
Angioy according to some, become the site of a Jacobin club where Democrats gather Cagliari and Sassari his friends.
The other clubs are coming together at the summer home of the college of nobles (current Bacaredda away to Cagliari, the former agricultural college) and in house lawyer Salvatore Cadeddu (a Palabanda, 's current botanical gardens) and in the suburb of Villanova at the Canon Cossu, brother of Joseph, the famous economist.
During the attack of France and the emergence of the enemy fleet in the Gulf of Cagliari (winter 1792-1793), the Angioy not directly involved in military operations but collects from private bids for the defense of Cagliari and takes care of accommodation Goceano militia arrived in the city under the command of his uncle, Thaddeus Arras.
In August of 1794 is sent on a mission to Iglesias with a lot of stock, due to protests of the local population about the lack of grain.
Angioy addition to providing supplies and provisions on the establishment a body of barracelli (private police force for the suppression and prevention of delinquency in rural Sardinia) seeks to regulate the procedures for collecting the donation.
The History of 'murky' Iglesias said that he would Angioy to revolutionary propaganda with the bishop who sheltered him. It also argues that the
Angioy and his friends have had contact with the French authorities by the merchant Francesco Giuseppe Ochino. Giuseppe Manno
Angioy accused of having wanted to eliminate from the political scene Pitzolo the island, past the "innovators" to moderate in 1794 after getting in return from Turin, the task of Inspector General of the Kingdom. Angioy would have been the instigator of his murder and that of the Marquis of Planargia.
After the death of the Marquis of Planargia Pitzolo and in fact, the rift between the two sides of the party of "Jacobins", moderates and radicals, is accentuated.
Angioy consequently move away from the lawyer Cabras and all his followers, even the advice of the Archbishop of Cagliari, Melano. In Chapter
above while continuing the agitation and anti-feudal Stamenti propose to appoint to the viceroy Vivalda Angioy Alternos with the task of restoring the 'order. With this appointment, he becomes, to what authority, second only to the Viceroy.
E 'hesitant in' accept 's office, 3 February 1796 but the proposal is accepted and are granted the licenses Alternos, as a person is deemed wise, moderate, its original northern Sardinia, where he had many relatives and exercised his "patronage".
In times like those that appear "normal" the enormous burdens feudal Giomaria Angioy appears as a powerful waiver of privileges for a great cause: to help the weak and oppressed. The Canon
Sisternes wrote in a memoir on the history of the revolutionary period addressed to Queen Maria Teresa, that the appointment of Angioy had intended to move away from Cagliari, and that he himself had suggested to the Viceroy to do that to cause it to collapse. Surely
Angioy realizes that this is a trap because it was out of question to take a stand against the vassals rebel against friends and get innovators and his own ideas, he decided instead to support the anti-feudal party knowing that it would be easy for his opponents outlaw.

On February 13, 1796 breaks the plunge and set off for the whole parish of Sassari Torralba, Francesco Sanna Corda and others, using them instead of four days, how many usually well if they employed the famous "winds put" in writing the Manno ; they are running genuine trionfale.Prima stopped arriving at the destination in different Villages puts an end to the abuses, is different release innocent detainees, makes peace between families in contention. So, as a Redeemer Angioy turn a lot of hope.

On February 28, 1796 makes its grand entrance in Sassari and is accompanied by the population of the Cathedral where the canons chant the "Te Deum" of thanksgiving and the bells ring in celebration.
Its popularity is skyrocketing.

Angioy, Sassari hosted by his uncle, the canon Diego Arras, is concerned immediately to enable the work of public utility to provide work for many unemployed get the grain from Cagliari, unsuccessfully applied for before, when he was still alive, the contrast between the two cities, is an urban militia that while in command of his friend Joachim Mundula.
Meanwhile his supporters developed an intense propaganda feudal villages. Some of his friends are Republican propaganda accompanied by a series of writings such as the Achilles' and the Feelings of the liberation of the Sardinian Sardinian true patriot who does not flatter. Also on

Manno, in his book "Modern History", speaks of the living room of Angioy in Sassari and complains that he is surrounded by men of bad reputation and had barons stripped of their property by promoting anti-feudal terms.

Lorenzo and Victoria Del Piano Manno argue, however, that also falls into contradiction when Angioy accusation that he wanted to make a revolution and that it surrounded men of lively temperament, when in fact people with "bright" that made the revolution!

Federico Francioni, recently the issue has deepened over whether the Angjoy tolerated or suffered these initiatives or whether it has been a "division of roles: he would leave word that his followers could play along with him the Republican propaganda that he could not have done openly because of his position.
During his stay in Sassari, Angioy you still have too many enemies, who then organized a conspiracy against him.
The viceroy orders from Cagliari to proceed with the collection of taxes, also using the strength and 'Angioy replied that he would never have made the' baronial collector. Doing so openly side with the oppressed. In
Sassari, their feudal propaganda meets a big success so that representatives of many communities invite you to visit their villages to make sure of the actual social problems.
Angioy decides to be absent from Sassari for 5-6 days to visit the villages and give notice to the Viceroy, the government entrusts to his supporters in Sassari, the deputy superintendent and lawyers Mundula Fois, Fadda, and Solis and Sotgia Mundula June 2nd part from Sassari accompanied by the secretary of the Royal Governor, John Mossa, the notary and the Councillor Stanislaus Delogu lawyer Domenico Pinna. Visit
many countries: the villagers Angioy asked if they still intend to free themselves from the slavery of feudalism and always meet all of you. The rector
Muroni bother to translate everything in logudorese Angioy say in Italian. According to the "History of Troubles" and then the Manno, he would have had the 'intention to raise armed men and then march on to establish the Republic of Cagliari. A

Semestene, Angioy hear from Bosa on the preparations in place to deal with his every move and San Leonardo, having done direct mail to seize Sassari, has confirmed that measures are taken against him.
Angioy then gives order the cavalry militia Macomer Santulussurgiu to focus on and get his orders, but it refuses to obey without the consent of the Viceroy.
A Macon, where, however, the 'Alternos (as evidenced in his book on Giovanni Cucca Macomer "Macon, documents, chronicles and history of a community" - the eighteenth century Savoy) also enjoys a cult following, is a first encounter with men willing entrance to the village lawyer Salvatore Pinna, Giovanni Maria enemy and brother of his follower Domenico.

arrived later in Orissa, with a retinue of 600 people and welcomed by the population, Angioy writes to the viceroy that it would uphold its Logudoro rights and calls for an interview with him, or with two members of the Royal Audience, and two of every Stamenti (at least one of which should have been Logudoro), even threatening to use force. The next day
Angioy send another letter to the Viceroy in which he says that, having been recently achieved peace between the King Vittorio Amedeo III and the French Republic, if he had not come to an agreement with Cagliari, he would Logudoro "a France that is separate Deputation to the King."

In Cagliari, his ex-friends, even before the viceroy received letters Angioy had already submitted an application in which he requested his dismissal and asked him to send in the Cape di Sopra, with full powers, the tax lawyer Don Giannantonio Delrio, to normalize the situation.
The viceroy, upon receiving the first letter of Angioy, you are hereby directed to convene cavalry militia of the various villages to move against.
also appointed its delegates Guiso, Musso, and Pintor Sirigu that, together with the lawyer Delrio, would restore peace in various public and Logudoro pregoni with which grants amnesty to the "people seduced and ill-advised" that had until then participated in the insurrection angioiana; 1500 lire sardines promises to those who will deliver justice to the corpse of one of the main leaders of the revolt and 3000 pounds sardines to those who deliver it vivo.

Cagliari while the false news spread that the army has come to Angioy Serramanna and the city goes into utter disarray. In the meantime
Oristano Angioy expected response from the viceroy and still hope for some good news. Cocco's lawyer sent a letter enclosing the pregone that bans and so left to return to Oristano Sassari, after armed clashes between his men and Oristano.
Angioy realized to be in a desperate situation, as they have been ignored his requests for aid to villages that previously had also participated in the anti-feudal movement.

But the point still to be clarified is this: he wanted really march to Cagliari?
He knew it would be a folly to think to conquer Cagliari with a few hundred armed men, no senior officers, without artillery, without sufficient ammunition without being able to count on the support of ex-friends traitors.

In Cagliari, the viceroy Vivalda Judge assigned to the Royal Audience, Don Giuseppe Valentino, under contract against Angioy, Mundula, Fadda and other leaders of the accused wants to change the political structure of the Kingdom. The judge Valentino

get many complaints are true or false and so many innocent people who were arrested remain in prison for a long time, while still others are sentenced to death.

The body of the condemned was usually burned and the ashes scattered to the wind, or the head was exposed in an iron cage and hung outside the city. But the sentence imposed on
Fadda is particularly cruel, in fact he was sentenced to 'hanging' sficcarglisi head from the body and seek his view, by an iron grate in the door of the castle of this town, dividing the body quarters and "grieve" places established by the Viceroy's delegation in the vicinity of that city, including the confession of complicity on torture and the payment of expenses. " On June 16, 1796
Angioy party with friends to reach Genoa and Porto Torres, where you move later in several Italian cities going up in Castiglione, where he hopes to meet Napoleon, however, does not want to receive it because, after the Peace of Paris (May 15, 1796), France no longer has any interest to occupy Sardinia.

In October 1796 the King Vittorio Amedeo III dies and is succeeded by his son Carlo Emanuele IV, to clarify the situation on the island and dell'Angioy himself, decides to invite him to Turin, guaranteeing freedom and offering money for the travel. The Angioy hopes to travel to Turin for the final abolition of feudalism and is still sure of his ideas and that they would guarantee a better future for Sardinia. In Torino he meets
tax lawyer of the Supreme Council of Sardinia, Louis Hood, who invited him to stay in House, pending the decision of the king. Here Angioy would, according to the testimony of Frassu, put in writing his memoirs a very effective defense.

account had become inadequate, however, did not have a good chance and learned of a plot against his life, he abandoned farmhouse and stealthily went to France where he finally detached from the French who openly calls to occupy Sardinia.

Paris lives in the guest house of the widow Dupont.

As you know there is a Masonic Lodge in Sassari "Giovanni Maria Angioy" it seems that he is affiliated with Freemasonry (yet non-existent in Sardinia) during his French exile, his personality being recognized in accordance with the ideals of the Freemasons.

died February 22, 1808.

Leave a considerable debt to the woman who, when he goes to special guest of the French consul Esperson Sassari, tries in vain to obtain reimbursement from her daughters dell'Angioy which very little affection for the memory of his father, would have even tried to change surname.

were consulted: the site
and text by Lorenzo Victory of the Plan and the plan: "John and Mary Angioy the revolutionary period 1793-1812", published by CR - Quartu S. Elena, 2000.

The breeze is from the school site namely

Friday, October 10, 2008

Reputable Brazilian Waxing For Mi

Italy in the eighteenth century

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What To Write In A Card For Gay Marriage


Guys, this is a school work that once made will be publicized, it is well that we begin to use real names rather than nicknames.

Meanwhile I invite you to make an opening text which are reported in the first impressions of the class ahead of what has been learned about the "Sarda Revolution" and the site previously made by your fellow course G.
the picture Giovanni Maria Angioy

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Convert A Worldspace Radio


I was finally able to insert a template. Xml, after many failed attempts. Only problem: it is missing the top navigation bar (the one where there were links management and the new blog post).

I have no idea at the time, how to put them back without resetting a default graphics. Waiting for someone to come to the aid I inserted in the menu a link to the page where you can make new posts (fortunately saved in memory). For the moment we use these links, you should go. Thanks and hello!

Monday, September 29, 2008

How To Use Cheats On Pokemonsilver Rom

we go! The Blog is online

Well guys, we left. With two of our webmaster: as soon as the graphics and some 'content.

Pregnant Deductible Twice

Good evening!

This message opens a new blog edited by the class IV L in collaboration with Professor E. Martinez, having as its topic, as you have seen, the Revolution Sarda.

When the graphics are temporary, and, because of my inexperience (temporary XP) was not able to enter one that did not fall into default. If someone has more experience than me give me a hand!

The contents are not yet present, to list them I would say to wait to have a more complete perspective of what will be the project that will be hosted on these pages.

Thank you and good evening to all!